Contemporary Worship
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(03) 5633 1047
Church Address:
7 Campbell Street,
Yarragon Vic 3823
Contemporary Worship
The Worship Team at Yarragon Uniting Church has a passion for Contemporary "All Age" Worship. Below are some tips / guidelines we try to follow when planning our Contemporary Worship Services.
*Include a variety of music with contemporary language.
*Make sure it's not too short for the adults – both adults and children are there to worship together.
*Make sure that all Technology is working well before the service begins.
*Do not use Technology for the sake of it – the Technology needs to add to the worship experience, not be the focus.
*Do not include too much church `jargon’ which can make non-regular church-goers feel excluded or confused.
*Make sure it is relevant to people today.
*Take into account and include what kids and youths actually like!
*Use lots of visuals.
*Keep it interesting!!!
*Present with a short, sharp delivery – not too many words!
*Use stories, especially picture story books.
*Use musical instruments other than the organ where possible.
*Use children’s songs, preferably with actions.
*Use magic or science object lessons.
*Involve the children and other members of the congregation in different parts of the service eg. Ask a child to help with Technology or a skit.
*Make some of the service `hands-on’, eg. craft and demonstrations.
*Use puppet plays or skits.
*Use PowerPoint presentations.
*Give the kids an opportunity to use un-tuned percussion instruments to play during the songs.
*Involve as many of the senses as you can!
*Use up-to-date CD’s and DVD’s (adhering to the terms of use and copyright).
*Use humour.
*And most importantly ... work to your strengths – what you feel comfortable doing!